Your business,
our expertise


Upper Branch Advisory is your partner for strategy and execution. Whether you’re seeking organizational advice or one-on-one coaching, Chris Elshaw is committed to helping you map out your company’s future.


Advisory or retainer

Open-ended weekly or monthly strategic advisory to senior leadership for ongoing months or quarters. Support can range from preparing your company for accelerated growth and value creation to devising a succession plan or integrating a recent acquisition.


Transaction and diligence services

Preparation for a transaction or focus on diligence with a professional investment firm—usually for an agreed period of time. Chris can provide due diligence and investment thesis, identifying areas of potential upside or concern as well as a comprehensive 100-day plan.


Leadership coaching

One-on-one guidance and mentorship with CEOs and c-suite leadership. Chris can lend you and your executives the coaching they need. Mentorship includes helping CEOs and senior teams pinpoint specific barriers to enhanced performance as well as practical ways to overcome them.